State Appointed Positions
Any member in good standing and who has held for at least one year, the office of an elected Central Committee Member or have been for at least two years held a Chapter Appointed Position may be considered for nomination of one of the following State Positions:
The CEO, shall serve a 2-year term and who shall in general, subject to control of the Central Committee, supervise and control all business affairs of the corporation. Shall perform all duties incident to this office and other such duties as may be required by law and articles of this corporation or by these bylaws, or which may be prescribed from time to time by the Central Committee. They shall preside at all meetings of the Central Committee and be ex-official member of all committees. They shall cause to be prepared an annual written report of the affairs of the corporation, including a financial statement from the Financial Officer, which he/she shall present to the membership.
The Finance Officer shall serve a 2-year and who in general,subject to the control of the Central Committee, receive, record and account for all corporation funds in accordance with legal and corporation policies. May dispense corporation funds in accordance with the policies established by the Central Committee and to maintain records of the same. State books shall be maintained monthly, and shall submit expense reports quarterly or as the need arises for required financial reports.
The Secretary/Membership Representative, shall serve a 2-year term and who shall in general, subject to control of the Central Committee, act as recording Secretary at all State Board of Directors and Central Committee meetings, regular and special. Shall maintain attendance records of Board Members. Shall prepare an agenda for each Board Meetings and Central Committee Meetings. Shall insure completion of all corporate correspondences, reports and required forms. Receive, record and file records of all activities and business transactions of ABATE of Utah. Prepare and submit quarterly and annual written reports. Work with the individual chapters to maintain the membership records of the corporation, Receive all membership applications and processes same in a timely manner. Maintain all state memberships records. Responsible for the coordination and recruitment of new chapters and arranging membership drives. Prepare written report of membership for each State meeting. Responsible for issuance of At-Large membership cards, for obtaining and issuing Life member cards and collections of membership dues from each Chapter. Shall provide access to membership card to Chapter President's or Secretary's upon 14 days written request.
(A.B.A.T.E. Bylaw Amendment ) Passed 7-13-2013 - To add job description for an Assistant CEO - Assistant CEO: Roger Blomquist
Change in Membership Fees
Change in membership fees will increase by $5.00 per application 1-1-2015 Passed 7-12-2014
3.3 The State Officers shall be elected bi-annually on a rotation basis. Even years (ex14,16, and 18) will be the C.E.O. nomination and election, odd years (ex 15, 17, and 19) will be the Secretary/membership and Treasurer's nomination and election year.