2025 Bills and Resolutions
2025 General Session of the Utah State Legislature
​HB 234
This bill:â–¸increases a fine for a person who operates a motorcycle without a motorcycle endorsement on the person's driver license; â–¸requires a court to waive the increased fine if the person obtains a motorcycle endorsement within 30 days of the date of the plea or sentencing; andâ–¸allows a court to extend the 30-day period if the court finds it reasonable and necessary.
Read the Bill here:
2024 General Session of the Utah State Legislature
Bills and other pertinent information for the 2024 Session will be posted here when it becomes available.
There were no bills of concern to the motorcycle riding community presented to the floor this year. Thank your local ABATE of Utah Chapter for their diligence in monitoring the 2023 Session, and for staying in contact with state senators and representatives.
Bills and Resolutions will be added as they come to our attention.
Check back often.
2021 Legislation
H.B. 160
Distracted Driving Bill
Rep. Carol Spackman Moss
This bill amends provisions related to the use of a handheld wireless communication device while operating a motor vehicle.
Update - 2-19-2021
Update - 3-6-2021
H.B. 160 has moved to the House Government Operations Committee for further review.
3/5/2021 HB0160 filed.
Did not pass.
SJR 012
Senate Joint Resolution Promoting
Awareness of Motorcycle Profiling
Senator Todd D. Weiler
Update - 2-26-2021
Update - 3-6-2021
Resolution passed from Senate to House and receives its first House reading.
Promotes awareness of motorcycle profiling and encourages collaboration and communication between the motorcycle community and law enforcement officials to prevent motorcycle profiling.
SJR 012 is a Resolution, and not a Bill designed to become Law. While not perfect, ABATE of Utah considers this a good first step in the fight to prevent motorcycle profiling.
3/5/2021 Senate SJR012 filed.
Did not pass.
2020 Legislation